Shot glass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 在現實生活中,我們不難發現,一個老實巴交,表面完美的男人常常少有人愛,一個風流倜儻,帶點“痞氣”的男人則會傾倒一片女人,其間的道理似乎並不深奧:完美是一種封閉,讓人難測虛實,不知你的葫蘆裡裝的是什麼藥;而“痞氣”猶如一扇窗戶,讓男性光彩從這裡湧現出來A shot glass is a small glass designed to hold or measure spirits or liquor, which is either drunk straight from the glass ("a shot") or poured into a cocktail. A "shot" of liquor is not the same as a "shooter". Shot glasses decorated with a wide variety ...