My Grammar and I (Or Should That Be 'Me'?): Old-School Ways to Sharpen Your English: Amazon.co.uk: C有一個人樓下是賣瓦斯的,所以只要每次懶得下去,他就直接打開窗戶大喊:「瓦斯一桶!」就會有人送上來。結果有一天,主人出去不在家,然後主人有養一隻鸚鵡,他鸚鵡聽久「瓦斯一桶」也會講了嘛!然後那時正好窗戶開著,那隻鸚鵡就對著窗戶喊:「瓦斯一桶!」結果樓下賣瓦斯的就送上一桶瓦斯,結果一直等不到人來應門,只好will do for grammar what Eats Shoots and Leaves did for punctuation ( The Times ) Beautifully produced... a lot of fun ( Tribune ) If you belong to the generation who missed out on being taught grammar at school then out this book on top of your Christmas...