Main/Shout-Out - Television Tropes & Idioms出處「今日日本」及「ID:JinJapan」 日本岐阜縣郡上八幡是一座安靜小城。 最古老的木造城堡、清澈見底的宗祇水、夏日的郡上舞、小馱良川上的清水橋畔、古樸的街道、別致的居民小屋和石板小路,處處保留著江戶時期的風情。 就是這樣一座安靜優美的城鎮,竟然是一個「假貨」生產地。  The Shout Out trope as used in popular culture, with a list of examples from all media. ... A Shout-Out is something subtle (a name, line of dialogue, or prop) in a show that refers to fans or family members of the cast or crew, or to another source of in...