Your IP address, IP geo location, browser and operating system - Show IP ▲真人版烏克蘭芭比娃娃長大之後竟然大走鐘?(source:goingviralposts,下同) 大家好,我是小白兔~ 不知道大家還記得幾年前,曾經紅遍世界的 Valeria Lukyanova嗎?或者你更熟悉這個外號「烏克蘭真人芭比娃娃」? 根據goingviralposts報導,What is my IP address, where is my IP address located and which browser and OS am I using? ... Your IP Address is: Your Browser and Operating System: bingbot 2.0.0 on Other Your geo location according to MaxMind This product includes GeoLite data ......