大陸聘用人才的方法 太厲害了
Celebrities Read Mean Tweets #8 - YouTube某銷售公司要招兩名助理,我很自信地抱著一堆資料去了。公司門前已經等了很多人,每一個都意氣風發。看著他們,我覺得自己條件絲毫不差,完全沒理由自卑。這麼想著,我氣宇軒昂地排在了隊伍的後面。前面的人開始慢慢移動,輪到誰誰就把手上入場券遞給保安。保安收過撕開,人就可以進去了,像火車站進站剪票時的情景。看來這People are very quick to tweet unflattering things, but it’s important to remember that everyone has feelings. From time to time, we ask famous people to read some of the not-so-nice things that are tweeted about them. This is our 8th edition of Mean Twee...