Shut up about Barclay Perkins 夫妻緣大略來自以下三種緣: ◆ 此方有恩於對方的因緣 若有人在相逢的過程中,某方有恩於對方,而使對方大受感動,而受恩者想要報恩償還,若是如此,當來生他們剛好是男與女時,就會因為過去這個善因而結成夫妻。 譬如;有次你溺水了,但卻沒有人願意拯救你,而只有一人奮不顧身的救你,不管有沒有救活,你還是很感恩I wander off down the street, hoping to stumble across it. Most people would just look it up on their phone. But I don’t have one that works in the US. I catch a group of young blokes coming out of a building. If they know where Magnolia is. They don’t. B...