shutterstock 台灣

Shutterstock CEO: I Only Know How to Innovate Through Failure | Inc.com雙魚座 雙子座 巨蟹座 水瓶座 天蠍座 天秤座 A large tech company drove Jon Oringer out of business. But that event led him to start his the now 12-year-old Shutterstock. ... Laura Montini is a reporter at Inc. She previously covered health care technology for Health 2.0 News and has served as an as...


全球競爭力 美國蟬聯第1、台灣第11 | 國際財經 | 全球 | 聯合新聞網牡羊座 金牛座 射手座 處女座 獅子座 摩羯座 瑞士洛桑國際管理學院(IMD)27日公布2015年全球競爭力排名,美國蟬聯最有競爭力的國家,第二和第三名分別是香港及新加坡。 IMD根據經濟表現、政府效能、企業效能和基礎建設來衡量競爭力,今年共評比61個經濟體。這份...


10 Best Island Getaways for 2015 | Fodor's   ctrl c + ctrl v 囉~Looking to plan that coveted island getaway in 2015? Here are the 10 hot islands to hit this year. ... If you were looking for an extra excuse to plan that coveted island getaway, 2015 delivers many motivations to fly off somewhere remote, exotic, and won...


Top Universities in Asia for Engineering and Technology 2014 | Top Universities   翻譯題(100%) Well, you can call me...father.Discover the top universities in Asia for engineering and technology this year, as rated by academics worldwide. ... As part of the QS University Rankings: Asia, the QS Intelligence Unit analyzes responses to its major global survey of academics, in order...
