Sony單眼相機 - [新款開箱] Sigma 19mm F2.8 & 30mm F2.8 ART 簡單分享 - 相機討論區 - Mobile01 原來是太多攝影機阿XD提到副廠支援SONY NEX的AF鏡頭...就屬SIGMA 19mm F2.8 DN和SIGMA 30mm... ... 對焦速度跟原廠鏡差多少阿 我還蠻想知道的 因為現在NEX跟DSLR之間比較明顯的差距還是在對焦速度跟準確度上......
全文閱讀Sony單眼相機 - [新款開箱] Sigma 19mm F2.8 & 30mm F2.8 ART 簡單分享 - 相機討論區 - Mobile01 原來是太多攝影機阿XD提到副廠支援SONY NEX的AF鏡頭...就屬SIGMA 19mm F2.8 DN和SIGMA 30mm... ... 對焦速度跟原廠鏡差多少阿 我還蠻想知道的 因為現在NEX跟DSLR之間比較明顯的差距還是在對焦速度跟準確度上......
全文閱讀Field Test: Sigma 19mm, 30mm and 60mm F2.8 DN lenses: Digital Photography Review 絕對是這樣的XDI've enjoyed the Sigma 19mm 2.8 Art on my little NEX-5N, except for one major issue, for me. As I love to shoot predominately in MF mode, I need a lens that works well in full manual, and the issue with the ultra lightweight 19mm, is that the plastic lens...
全文閱讀Sigma 19mm f/2.8 EX DN Review | PhotographyBLOGExpert review of the Sigma 19mm f/2.8 EX DN lens. ... The Sigma 19mm f/2.8 EX DN is a new affordable wide-angle prime lens for Micro Four Thirds and Sony NEX compact system cameras. It offers the equivalent angle of view as a 38mm lens on the Micro Four ....
全文閱讀BMPCC Sigma 19mm F2.8 - Walk in the woods - YouTubeFilmed on a Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera with a Sigma 19mm F2.8 DN MFT Mount. Graded in Premiere Pro Music: Inspire me - barbufle https://soundcloud.com/barbufle/adver......
全文閱讀Sigma 19mm F2.8 EX DN Sony E mounted on Sony NEX-7 : Tests and ReviewsIn-depth tests and reviews for the Sigma 19mm F2.8 EX DN Sony E on Sony NEX-7. Find out its specifications, measures and tested cameras. ... Further readings for the Sigma 19mm F2.8 EX DN Sony E To provide photographers with a broader perspective about .....
全文閱讀The Sigma 19mm F2.8 EX DN - YouTubeWith the 19mm F2.8 EX DN lens from Sigma, you get exceptional image quality at a exceptional price. This wide, fast, prime lens offers stunning image quality and performance for both still and video capture, making it perfect for recording special family ...
全文閱讀提到副廠支援SONY NEX的AF鏡頭...就屬SIGMA 19mm F2.8 DN和SIGMA 30mm... ... 對焦速度跟原廠鏡差多少阿 我還蠻想知道的 因為現在NEX跟DSLR之間比較明顯的差距還是在對焦速度跟準確度上......
全文閱讀I've enjoyed the Sigma 19mm 2.8 Art on my little NEX-5N, except for one major issue, for me. As I love to shoot predominately in MF mode, I need a lens that works well in full manual, and the issue with the ultra lightweight 19mm, is that the plastic lens...
全文閱讀Expert review of the Sigma 19mm f/2.8 EX DN lens. ... The Sigma 19mm f/2.8 EX DN is a new affordable wide-angle prime lens for Micro Four Thirds and Sony NEX compact system cameras. It offers the equivalent angle of view as a 38mm lens on the Micro Four ....
全文閱讀Filmed on a Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera with a Sigma 19mm F2.8 DN MFT Mount. Graded in Premiere Pro Music: Inspire me - barbufle https://soundcloud.com/barbufle/adver......
全文閱讀In-depth tests and reviews for the Sigma 19mm F2.8 EX DN Sony E on Sony NEX-7. Find out its specifications, measures and tested cameras. ... Further readings for the Sigma 19mm F2.8 EX DN Sony E To provide photographers with a broader perspective about .....
全文閱讀With the 19mm F2.8 EX DN lens from Sigma, you get exceptional image quality at a exceptional price. This wide, fast, prime lens offers stunning image quality and performance for both still and video capture, making it perfect for recording special family ...
全文閱讀Sigma announced that it would be providing lenses for mirrorless cameras, and the 19mm ƒ/2.8 DN ("Digital Neo") is the company's second lens to do so. The lens is offered in the micro four-thirds mount offered by Olympus and Panasonic, and the Sony E-moun...
全文閱讀Well I use both the 19mm and the 30mm on my OM-D with stunning results. I think the 19mm is better than my Panasonic 20mm (far better bokeh & colors rendition), it is one of my favorite lens so far – I only wish it could be as compact as the 30mm. he 30mm...
全文閱讀Buy Sigma 19mm f/2.8 DN Lens for Sony E-mount Cameras (Black) features Sony E-Mount/APS-C Format, Wide-Angle Prime Lens. Review Sigma Mirrorless System Lenses ......
全文閱讀30mm f2.8 DN SE Customer Service Team/Quality Assurance Team/Technical Assistance Team.- 1-800-896-6858 Product Information *: Black...
全文閱讀【本報記者劉奕廷、鐘翠蓮台北報導】由於受到全球 COVID-19新冠肺炎疫情影響,PEUGEOT、CITROEN台灣總代理寶佳聯合氣車日前表示,汽車相關零組件製造供應鏈受到嚴重衝擊,原物料、車用晶片、運輸物流及人事等成本皆大幅攀升,嚴重影響車輛生產成本及交車時程。 圖說:Peugeot小改款3008
【記者 林明益/宜蘭 報導】 宜蘭縣「110年機車汰舊換新及新購電動二輪車補助計畫」已進入最後倒數計時階段,請車主把握今年度加碼補助機會,以免向隅! 環保局黃政釧局長表示,為鼓勵縣民汰換老舊機車,宜蘭縣配合中央加碼補助車主汰舊換新,本(110)年度本縣縣民淘汰民國96年6月底前出廠的老舊機車後,換購
朋友們的表情似乎太鎮定了...這樣顯得我太害怕... 有辦法讓他們表現的再驚恐一點嗎!? as you wiiiiiiiiish~ 後面的大叔表示:
人人渴望自己有一個美好的婚姻,心理研究發現,外在因素雖然很重要,比如你有一個安全型的配偶也會帶來安那麼幸運,還得靠自我內在的成長,學習如何轉化不安全,所以,在沒有步入婚姻的殿堂之前,試著先和你自己結婚! 婚姻能夠給人們帶來安全嗎? 人們越是希望一樣東西給自己帶來安全感,這樣東西就越變得不安全。人們
“你為什麼單身?” 這個問題永遠讓單身女性覺得壓力巨大,不論你已有對像或連對像也沒有,這個問題都不只是令人反感而已。這樣詢問時,語氣中所夾帶的憐憫和惋惜讓人氣惱,專家說那聽起來像在評斷你,但事實上你覺得單身很快樂,日子依然充滿歡樂。 另外,有些女性友人會以為跟你說&ldqu
生命沉淪期 一、察覺自己內心的真實情感 通常失戀中很多人表面上看上去無所謂的樣子,甚至有人說,“我不在乎,舊的不去新的不來”“我會用新的一段感情來讓自己重新開始”等,但是都不是他們自己內心真正的情感,察覺自己內心真的情感,讓悲傷、悔恨、內疚、自責、懊
不當80分女生 兩性作家貝莉說:“為什麼要幫自己打分數呢?每個人的價值觀有所不同,就算是百分百的女神也有可能成為敗犬的可能。”八十分女生的定義太過抽象,女生們不必隨之起舞。而在我的周遭(包括我自己)剛剛好就是這麼一群,看起來好像條件還不錯的女生,圍在一起的話題,常常是:&l
同情一個陌生人,比同情摯愛的人更簡單。 溫柔善待路人甲,比溫柔凝望愛人更容易。 這是令很多人感同身受,卻又迷惑不解的行為。 我們越愛一個人,越和Ta親近,就越容易忘記喚醒自己的溫柔。我們會用任性、攻擊、折磨,來顯示我們在Ta們面前的特權。彷彿對方越縱容、越忍耐,就是越愛我們。 但這樣任意&mdas
1.戀父/母情結——愛上大齡的TA 姐弟戀現在並不稀奇,但是有的人喜歡的對象卻是自己父母般年紀的人,這種戀母情結或戀父情結也是很普遍的。在心理學上看來,有戀母情結的人,是因為有跟父親作對以競爭母親的傾向,但同時又因為道德倫理的壓力,容易產生自我毀滅以解除痛苦的傾向。 2.黑