sigma 30mm f2 8 nex : Sigma 30mm f2.8 DN Lens (Sony E) - Fixed : Compact System Camera Lenses : Camera & Phot許久之前,網絡上曾流行「超短牛仔褲」這一性感裝束。今天,日本人民向世界人民展示了什麼叫做真正的超短牛仔褲。早些時候流傳的「超短牛仔褲」: 這長得像女士三角褲,或者說就是按照女士三角褲樣式製作的牛仔短褲。而最近在日本網絡,內褲零售商的Shirohato推出了一種新款牛仔褲,如果你看見有人在街上穿著這種I haven't had much time with this lens, came just last week and I've used it twice. For all NEX users familiar with the older, plastic model of this lens the clunking noise is still present...mine even makes a little noise while attached to the camera. Th...


The Best E-Mount Lens for the Sony Alpha NEX-7 Compact System Camera is Probably the Sigma 30mm f2.8   某領導兒子愛說謊,於是領導買了個測謊儀,一日兒子晚歸。父: 去哪了?儿: 圖書館看書。【 【啪!機器人一巴掌拍了過去!】兒: 去同學家看AV片了。父: 好大的膽子!我長這麼大就从来沒看過。。。【 啪!機器人給了其父一巴掌! 】母怒斥: 活該!對兒子這麼苛刻?怎麼說他都是你親生的啊。【We will be waiting for more updates and reviews about the Sigma 30mm f2.8 e-mount lens’s performance with the Sony Alpha NEX-7 compact system camera, though we are already quite convinced. So, any Sony Alpha NEX-7 user looking for a cheaper e-mount ......


Sony單眼相機 - [新款開箱] Sigma 19mm F2.8 & 30mm F2.8 ART 簡單分享 - 相機討論區 - Mobile01韓國整形手術相當發達已經是世界眾所皆知的事今天看到一組取自韓國整型廣告或診所的整型前後對比圖片真的是下巴都要掉下來了啊啊啊啊啊~~~~~~   這是從大炳變成溫昇豪嗎 單眼皮-->雙眼皮 完全逆齡! 韓國真的是太強大了!~~~    提到副廠支援SONY NEX的AF鏡頭...就屬SIGMA 19mm F2.8 DN和SIGMA 30mm... ... 對焦速度跟原廠鏡差多少阿 我還蠻想知道的 因為現在NEX跟DSLR之間比較明顯的差距還是在對焦速度跟準確度上......


Sigma 30mm F2.8 DN A Sony - DxOMark by DxO - DxOMarkHello, Thanks for your feedback, here is the comparison: The 2 lenses are very ......


Sigma 30mm f:2.8 Lens Overview for the NEX System! - YouTubeBig bang for the buck this Sigma lens is a treat for your NEX camera. At $199 it is a deal and gives you amazing image quality, superb sharpness and decent AF performance. See my full review at You can buy this lens at Amazon...


Field Test: Sigma 19mm, 30mm and 60mm F2.8 DN lenses: Digital Photography Review來自豆瓣的一位網友「北漓」,分享了她跟男朋友一起時發生的奇趣事情。男朋友幫她拍照,結果拍出來的照片跟她想像的相差甚遠,結果讓女朋友感到無奈。   此為正常形態。 (注:所有相片均為同一個人,不要​​懷疑自己的眼睛) 好了,先從那年冬天講起,我們去了麥田,一時感慨,給我照張相吧,我跳躍起來,I've enjoyed the Sigma 19mm 2.8 Art on my little NEX-5N, except for one major issue, for me. As I love to shoot predominately in MF mode, I need a lens that works well in full manual, and the issue with the ultra lightweight 19mm, is that the plastic lens...
