SIGMA 35mm F1.4 DG HSM | Art - Standard Prime Lenses - SigmaPhoto.com當連贊先生被提名為內閣總理時,前往總統府拜會李總統, 並請教如何才能知道閣員能力智慧。李總統道: "這個簡單", 說著就請李元族副總統過來, 問道: " 有一個人, 是你爸爸的兒子, 但卻不是你兄弟, 這個人是誰 ?"李副總統想一想, 說道 :" 就是我李元族呀!"李總統很滿意,對連總理道DG DG for Digital Designed to deliver the ultimate in performance on full-frame digital SLRs, Sigma DG lenses also bring out the best in 35mm SLR film cameras and APS-C ... The Sigma 35mm 1.4 DG HSM is a state of the art lens designed for full frame camer...