35mm F1.4 DG HSM | A | Sigma Corporation of America吵架五祕訣 對凡事講求效率的理科夫妻來說,吵架浪費時間又傷身,倒不如各自躺在沙發上滑手機放鬆。 婚前吵架是最傷感情的了,無論吵點大小,被埋怨了都會有那麼一點點心痛的感覺,而且很容易懷疑對方的愛似乎少了那麼一點點,恨不得搖著對方的肩膀大喊:「爾康,別生我的氣,如果你生我的氣,我們的愛情會因為你愛生氣多Explore the Sigma Global Vision flagship lens, the award winning Sigma 35mm 1.4 DG HSM Art. This prime DSLR lens is a class leading lens premium construction and image quality. The first in the SGV lineup, it also features a rugged and sleek design...