sigma dp 1

SIGMA DP1[無言] KFC早餐今天第一次買KFC(肯德基)的早餐龜毛的我根本無法下決定看了menu半天之後決定問店員「哪個比較好吃啊?」他忽然從「歡迎光臨」的熱情模式冷卻東看看 西瞧瞧 觀察一番左右環境之後小心翼翼 前傾身體靠近我小小聲的說"麥當勞比較好吃" "麥當勞比較好吃" "麥當勞比較好吃"我整個傻眼最SIGMA DP1 is the world's first and only high end compact digital camera that implements all the power of a digital SLR. The DP1 sticks to the principle of "capture the truth" and stimulates photographers' creative intelligence....


SIGMA DP : Special Contents張飛與曹操兩人遙遙相對,只能比手劃腳,曹伸兩指,張伸一掌 ;曹伸五指,張伸兩手十指,曹拍自己肚子一下,張拍自己屁股一下,曹操憤而退回軍營。大罵:「人家說張飛是粗人,不料他嘴舌如此惡毒。」旁人問怎麼回事,曹說:「我說我有二十萬大軍,他說在此即無法前進,我說我能增兵為五十萬,他說他能調來一百萬人馬,我說SIGMA DP is the world's first and only high end compact digital camera that implements all the power of a digital SLR. The DP series stick to the principle of "capture the truth" and stimulates photographers' creative intelligence....


SIGMA dp Quattro | Sigma Corporation of America某日,一名男士匆匆忙忙的攔了一部計程車,上車後.....司機:「請問要到那裏?」男士:「我要到機場,我趕時間,麻煩請快一點。」司機:「趕飛機嗎?幾點的?」男士:「十點二十的。」司機笑著說:「別開玩笑了,都三十分了,飛機又不會等你。」男士:「對不起,我就是這班飛機的駕駛。」神燈政客、商人和流浪漢同時流SIGMA dp Quattro - Reinvention of camera, reinvention of dp ... Reinvention of camera, reinvention of dp SIGMA dp Quattro The Sigma Corporation is pleased to announce the new generation of high image quality compact cameras “SIGMA dp” that incorporates a ...


Sigma New DP Series — Foveon Merrill Generation一個經濟學笑話兩個聰明的經濟學天才青年,經常為了一些高深的經濟學理論爭辯不休一天飯後一起去散步,為了某個數學驗證的證明兩位傑出青年又爭執了起來正在難分高下的時候,突然發現前面的草地上有一堆狗屎甲就對乙說:「如果你能把它吃下去,我願意出五千萬。」五千萬的誘惑可真不小,吃還是不吃呢?乙掏出紙筆,進行了精All the earth–shattering performance of the Sigma SD1 in a camera you'll want to take everywhere. Introducing Sigma DP Merrill。 ... Since building our first digital camera in 2002, Sigma has single-mindedly pursued the goal of true high picture quality th...

全文閱讀 : Sigma 30mm f/1.4 DC HSM Lens for Canon Digital SLR Cameras (Black) : Digital Slr Camera精神病人妙語事例1 病人A :「怎麼樣?這本書寫得還不錯吧?」病人B :「太好了!真是曠世鉅作。一點廢話都沒有,簡潔有力。不過有一個缺點,就是出場人物太多了!」謢士 :「喂!你們兩個 ...... 快把電話薄放回去。」精神病人妙語事例2有一位精神病院的醫生問患者︰「如果我把你的一隻耳朵割掉30mm F1.4 DC HSM (Canon) Product Details Style: Canon EF Mount Product Dimensions: 2.5 x 2.9 x 2.9 inches ; 15.4 ounces Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds ( View shipping rates and policies ) Domestic Shipping: Item can be shipped within U.S. International Shipp...


dp Quattro | Cameras | SIGMA GLOBAL VISION話說一對年輕夫妻,有一個剛開始牙牙學語的小孩。做老公的看老婆常常很用心的教導孩子〔叫爸爸〕。這個做老公的大受感動,認為老婆真好,先教孩子叫爸爸;而不是先叫媽媽,覺得真幸福。在一個寒冬深夜,孩子哭鬧不休一直叫爸爸,此時夫妻倆睡的正好,老婆就推了推老公說:〔你兒子一直在叫你,你趕快去啦!!〕這時老公才忽SIGMA GLOBAL VISION About SIGMA Craftsmanship Inside story Core technology Archive Cameras dp Quattro dp0 Quattro | Ultra-wide dp1 Quattro | Wide dp2 Quattro | Standard dp3 Quattro | Mid-tele Lenses Art 35mm F1.4 DG HSM 30mm F1.4 DC HSM 18 ......
