DP2 Merrill Compact Digital Camera | Sigma Corporation of America有一天某學生要請喪假,就拿著假單到教授那兒簽名。學生:教授!我要請假!教授:嗯...假單我看看!喔...好,可是你的請假事由寫【出殯】不太好吧?學生:會嗎?我阿公出殯啊...不然要寫什麼?教授:嗯...總覺得怪!先批準你的假,但請假事由拿回去改一下好了!學生:謝謝教授過了數日後,教授被叫到教務處去了Explore the Sigma DP2 Merrill with its high res 46 Megapixel Foveon sensor and its fixed 30mm 2.8 lens for the utmost in image quality. ... The Foveon X3 Direct Image Sensor uses technology that was originally developed by Dick Merrill, a brilliant engine...