sign function

Medical sign - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 台灣奧迪全面布局台灣充電網路,從家用充電、快速充電到公共充電,提供顧客多元的充電解決方案,以實際行動落實台灣純電移動生態圈。 Audi與電動車充電技術領導品牌Noodoe(拓連科技)*合作,打造最完善貼心的家用充電體驗,包括線上諮詢、到府評估及後續安裝等服務。 Audi e-tron 為四環品牌旗A medical sign is an objective[1] indication of some medical fact or characteristic that may be detected by a physician during a physical examination of a patient. For example, whereas paresthesia is a symptom (only the person experiencing it can directly...


Sign language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia【CWNTP 應瑋漢 [email protected]】六月是驕傲的時刻,各種展現自我的遊行在全球各國輪番上陣,一起為世界又平又多元更美好的未來邁進發聲。自1983年第一只腕錶問世以來,瑞士時尚腕錶品牌Swatch以開放的態度,從不受限於國界、性別、文化、思想、信仰、性格或任何意識形態,A sign language (also signed language or simply signing) is a language which uses manual communication and body language to convey meaning, as opposed to acoustically conveyed sound patterns. This can involve simultaneously combining hand shapes, orientat...


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