來自外星的超現實油頭 Comme des Garçons AW14新髮型揭露
Statistical significance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Julien d'ys,時尚界最惡名昭彰的髮型造型師,為Comme des Garçons工作超過了十年之久,其所設計的髮型為川久保玲的服裝增添了超現實與不可預測性,這一季,當梳背油頭主宰了整個巴黎男時裝秀,Julien d'ys創造了更具顛覆性的髮型,蜷曲包覆頭部的新式油頭,靈感來自In statistics, statistical significance (or a statistically significant result) is attained when a p-value is less than the significance level.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] The p-value is the probability of observing an effect given that the null hypothesis is tr...