Mod The Sims - Official Site 每個人可能心中都有一位男神或女神,作為穿搭、彩妝甚至會想模仿他的一切,當做夢想指標。但你有聽過把「插畫角色」當做自己的女神的人嗎?30歲的 Krystina Butel 在15歲時改變自己的一生,那時她在以夜生活、派對著稱的伊維薩島得到一張漫畫人物圖,並且決定此生要達成這個目標。 「當我第一眼看到Evening lovelies! I hope those of you who've bought TS4 are enjoying playing it, and those of you who haven't are enjoying the immense satisfaction of that. We have a bunch of TS4-related updates for you today: Sims 4 Studio The Simlgical guys have releas...