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Simon Webbe Lay Your Hands - YouTube 一個人喝醉酒會到怎樣離譜的境界呢,這名年約 40 多的低胸婦人,多喝了幾杯在大庭廣眾下想一展歌唱實力,選擇美國靈魂歌手約翰傳奇、Youtube 上創下 3 億多次點閱率的名曲 All of Me,用自己的方式呈現,沒想到一開口讓全部在場的人傻眼,英國鏡報形容這樣的聲音會造成車禍,也有樂評Sometimes life can be a burden Trine stay one step ahead I feel the world upon my shoulder each time I'm standing out on the edge And my hopes have all deserted me Like they washed away in the sand And it's hurting my pride Trine survive But i know i stan...