How to memorize values of sin, cos, tan, cosec, sec and cot for 0, 30, 45, 60 and 90 degrees? - YouT每次小嘉在家看謎片的時候,母親不敲門直接闖進門來就會面紅耳赤非常尷尬!在網上看到一位技術大師教我們如何當著父母的面也能看謎片,我們趕快來看一看!▼首先要有一台螢幕▼拆開它!▼找到偏光膜!▼小心撕下 ▼再打開的顯示器,是不是一片白呢!蓋上偏光膜才能看清螢幕內容!▼把偏光膜黏在眼鏡鏡片上!O, 30, 45, 60 and 90 degrees are angles which are used very often in problems. This video teaches how can you memorize values of all six trigonometric ratios for these angles....