sin nx n

Integrals with cos^m(x) sin^n(x) - YouTube終於了解這幾家廠牌的差異了!!! Worked problem in calculus. The indefinite integrals of the form int cos^m(x) sin^n(x) dx break into two cases: one of m or n odd, or both m, n even. The first case allows for a straightforward u-substitution. The other requires the half-angle identities ...


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NX7.5 The Power of Law Curves | NX Tutorials水果忍者玩膩了?不妨真槍實彈去超市買些水果,回家親自操刀! 來自土耳其藝術家Sakir Gokcebag用大量的水果進行相當另類的視覺藝術創作,素材包括西瓜、蘋果、豌豆等。透過幾何圖形的變化,這些水果們產生了相當耐人尋味的視覺效果。難能可貴得是,這些水果並沒有經過Photoshop的後製。(小聲說,NX7.5 The Power of Law Curves Put on your differential geometry hat! You’ll need to remember some basic calculus to make the most of this tutorial. Today we’re looking at a very powerful tool in NX 7.5 that few users exploit to its fullest extent – the La...
