Steve Jobs Unveils Mac at Boston Computer Society, Unseen Since 1984年度化妝舞會嘉年華 @words by 尤物雜誌 www.facebook.com/usexy@model:傻鼠、Janna 對於臺灣人而言,萬聖夜的意義或許只是一個狂歡的化妝舞會之夜,也讓單身宅男們多了一個如動漫Cosplay角色扮演的舞台,但萬聖夜的由來比起節慶本身的有趣程度其實不遑多讓。 萬聖It’s January, 1984. Steve Jobs, nattily attired in a double-breasted suit, is demonstrating Apple’s breakthrough personal computer, Macintosh, before a packed room. He speaks alarmingly of a future controlled by IBM, and shows a dystopian commercial based...