日本老潮童「本間正章」穿搭!史上最貴的奢華黑骷髏!│JUKSY 線上流行生活誌
Singapore Airlines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 日本潮流設計師「Masaaki Homma(本間正章)」是這次主角!早期待過「山本耀司」時裝團隊旗下,工作八年學習經驗並在1997年離開團隊,同年成立自有品牌「mastermind JAPAN」,開創史上最貴/最奢華的暗黑骷髏傳奇!品牌初期的銷售成績非常差勁,讓他更努力改良用料、作工、設計..etSingapore Airlines Limited (SIA) (SGX: C6L) is the flag carrier of Singapore which operates from its hub at Changi Airport and has a strong presence in the Southeast Asia, East Asia, South Asia, and Oceania. Singapore Airlines was the launch customer of A...