紀念 UNITED ARROWS 25 週年,G-SHOCK 推出聯名純白款 AWG-M500 腕錶
Tourism in Singapore - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 為慶祝 UNITED ARROWS 成立25 週年,旗下子品牌 BEAUTY & YOUTH 也拉來關係甚好的 G-SHOCK 推出紀念錶款。事實上,雙方曾在 2011 年為慶祝 BEAUTY & YOUTH 5 周歲生日帶來過一款純黑色 AWG-M500,而今次的合作也是延續了前作的風格,不過將Tourism in Singapore is a major industry and contributor to the Singaporean economy, attracting 13,171,303 tourists in 2011, over twice Singapore's total population.[1] It is also environmentally friendly, and maintains natural and heritage conservation p...