sip refer rfc

The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Refer Method (RFC 3515) - IETF 這位主人太用心了!狗狗也替牠戴上一頂瞎趴的安全帽!9 Sparks Standards Track [Page 1] RFC 3515 The SIP Refer Method April 2003 2.5 Behavior of SIP Registrars/Redirect Servers . . . . . . 9 2.6 Behavior of SIP ......


(SIP) REFER Method Implicit Subscription (RFC 4488) - IETF一天,女孩喝醉了,男孩送女孩回家,開了門,發現情況不對,女孩從家裡翻出象棋擺好局,男孩5秒內看懂了,摔門而出,為什麼? (詳答請往下拉)                       &nbsAbstract The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) REFER extension as defined in RFC 3515 automatically establishes a typically short-lived event subscription used ......


RFC 3515 - I-D Tag: - IETF Tools 這位大哥,你還要不要人家活命啊!RFC 3515 The SIP Refer Method April 2003 2.5 Behavior of SIP Registrars/ Redirect Servers . . . . . . 9 2.6 Behavior of SIP Proxies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3....


RFC 5589 - Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Call Control - Transfer 你們好討厭,冬天還把我的毛剃光光,粉紅小屁屁都公諸於世了啦! 還好我還有雙小雪靴!SIP extensions such as REFER and Replaces are used to provide a number of transfer services ... RFC 5589 SIP CC Transfer June 2009 Table of Contents 1....


RFC 4508 - IETF Tools - Internet Engineering Task Force 小熊軟糖的爸爸,你見過嗎?The SIP REFER method defined in RFC 3515 provides a mechanism that allows one party to induce another to initiate a SIP request. This document extends the ......


RFC 4488 - IETF Tools - Internet Engineering Task Force   這吃相也太可愛了吧!誰抵擋的了牠的攻勢?Abstract The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) REFER extension as defined in RFC 3515 automatically establishes a typically short-lived event subscription used ......
