sky bar

SKYBAR 我要買十個!!!    ^ ^Since first opening in 2003 at the top of the Palm Beach Hotel and moving to the top of Biel in 2007, SKYBAR has helped reinvent and shape Beirut's nightlife scene. A must-see destination to locals and tourists alike and ranked best bar in the world in 20...


Bangkok nightlife at the rooftop bar from The Hangover 2 | Sky Bar 嘿嘿 其實我只是穿在你們看不到的地方!The most stunning rooftop bar Bangkok offers, Sky Bar is often called The Hangover Bar. Bangkok nightlife begins with our Hangovertini cocktail. ... Suspended on a precipice over the city 820 feet in the air, Sky Bar is one of the highest rooftop bar in t...


IRene's TravelnLiving : 【曼谷】Sky Bar - yam天空部落 小矮人中毒了!?Sky Bar State Tower 1055, Silom Road, Bangrak, Thailand Tel: +66 2624 9555 Fax:... ... 板主回覆: 據說食物的品質跟價格價值無法相比 他是屬於地中海料理 正反兩級評價都有 其實我原本有試圖訂位...


[2010曼谷] 04-世界最高のSirocco餐廳 Sky Bar無敵夜景 @ Irene's Blog~吃吃喝喝&嘰哩呱啦 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 也變太多了吧!?sky bar全貌看起來真像某個科幻片中,巨大飛行戰艦的甲板 or 艦橋這一類的 XD 哈哈,你的描述真有趣耶!不過晚上來人很多,現場又有爵士樂表演,一定不會讓你有這種聯想的! irenechen 於 2010/05/04 14:34 回覆 #4 p 於 2011/07/20 03:07 sirocco 穿牛仔褲 ......


曼谷高空景觀餐廳(sky bar)整理 - 背包客棧從前從前~ 3.曼谷最高的Baiyoke Sky hotel上面83F的roof bar: 曼谷老牌的sky bar ,消費也很便宜,但好像是室內的,且景色還好而已。 另外以上三間搭BTS好像都不太方便,搭taxi比較適合!! 接下來這幾間是比較新且交通也較方便(BTS可到),我個人會比較推薦 ......
