我最恨別人說我小隻!8張「戲弄川普小隻的PS照片」! 3 根本超像小朋友完全無違和啊!
Video chat online, video calling, free online video calls - Skype ▲不斷被惡搞的川普又有新梗啦XDD(sourse : boredpanda,下同) 新上任的美國總統川普,在選戰期間一直很討厭大家提及他的手指很小,因此大家不斷惡搞他這一點,現在網友們更是惡搞升級,把川普整個人變小了!根據boredpanda分享,這裡有8張網友們修圖的川普照片,看完讓人不禁大笑啊Make free video calls and video chat at home or work with Skype. Use Skype to make free high quality online video calls from anywhere in the world. ... One to one video calls You can’t put a price on a face to face catch up. So we didn’t. Share a free vid...