"Entry Point not found" error message - Skype Community▲他到底想說什麼啊~~?(source:靠北工程師) 粉絲專頁「靠北工程師」是個擁有40萬粉絲的專業,平常總是分享許多自己的生活經驗轉換出來的幽默笑話,而年關將近,這裡整理了2016年前二十名讚數破萬的超優質笑話,一次po出來讓大家慢慢回顧,細細品味! 1. ▲感同身受啊Have downloaded latest version of Skype & am a new user. When I try to access Skype I get a message saying:- The procedure entry point NtAlpc SendWaitReceivePort could not be located in the dynamic link library ntdll.dll. When pressin OK Skype loads . I ....