PHP: sleep - Manual - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor 隨智慧型手機愈漸普及,路上看到「低頭族」的狀況也愈漸頻繁,而「低頭」狀況較嚴重者,於各式場合均可滑手機,更甚者於騎車或開車時的空檔也可以滑手機,但到底有多少民眾於騎車或開車時會滑手機?Pollster波仕特線上市調網於2015/10/18(日)便針對民眾於騎車或開車「等紅燈時手機使用狀This may seem obvious, but I thought I would save someone from something that just confused me: you cannot use sleep() to sleep for fractions of a second. This: will not work as expected. The 0.25 is cast to an integer, so this is equivalent ......