Slender Game - Download - PCGame.com : Free PC Games, Downloads, Demos, Mods & Maps Richard Henriksen 是一名低空跳傘運動員。在一次活動中,他的單槓突然塌了,而一直在懸崖邊聯繫單槓的他也因此跌落下峭壁。不過,儘管這是海拔4000英尺(約為1219米)的懸崖,他還是如同開掛般奇蹟生還了。下面的視頻所拍攝到的就是Richard Henriksen 練習單槓的畫面,在視WARNING – This game is not for the faint of heart. If you’re a fan of “The Blair Witch Project” and survival horror video games such as “Silent Hill” and “Siren,” then get ready for the scare of your life when you play “Slender,” a horror video game creat...