Slender Game - Download - PCGame.com : Free PC Games, Downloads, Demos, Mods & Maps 一起為這個家而努力,讓我們變得更緊密! Photo/www.gobankingrates.com 相信很多人都聽過「貧賤夫妻百事哀」,也都知道錢是造成夫妻關係緊張的最主要因素之一,不過也有人有著完全不同的經驗,反而讓結婚成為兩人關係邁向下一階段的里程碑,也自己的財務狀況因為結婚而好轉WARNING – This game is not for the faint of heart. If you’re a fan of “The Blair Witch Project” and survival horror video games such as “Silent Hill” and “Siren,” then get ready for the scare of your life when you play “Slender,” a horror video game creat...