Slim-fit pants - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia刺青後絕對不能發胖笑話一朋友年輕時去刺青在肚子兩側各刺了一隻蝴蝶一隻蠍子當步入中年 腰圍與年齡成正比時肚子上的刺青蝴蝶變成了......飛蛾蠍子變成了龍蝦!笑話二有人刺了一朵玫瑰後來他變胖圖案被撐大有一天朋友問他說:你為什麼要在身上刺一顆高麗菜?笑話三一個女煙毒犯被抓到警局員警看見她的手上有刺青當著Slim-fit pants or skinny jeans (when made of denim) have a snug fit through the legs and end in a small leg opening that can be anywhere from 9" to 20" depending on size.[1] Other names for this style include drainpipes, stovepipes, tight pants, cigarette...