:CHOCOOLATE x STAR WARS 台灣11月13日矚目登場
Slim-fit pants - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia STAR WARS給予人神秘、超現實的感覺,為配合其風格,聯乘系列以黑白灰為主調,再襯上搶眼奪目的金色和銀色,強烈的顏色對比為大家帶來太空科幻片的感覺及驚喜。系列中以立體印刷厚棉T為重點單品,圖案在不同角度會產生截然不同的變化,會發現黑武士(Darth Vader)或白兵(StormtrooperSlim-fit pants or skinny jeans (when made of denim) have a snug fit through the legs and end in a small leg opening that can be anywhere from 9" to 20" depending on size.[1] Other names for this style include drainpipes, stovepipes, tight pants, cigarette...