Slow-mo iOS videos, no iPhone 5s needed: Connect ▲不會講話小心陣亡當場(source:boredpanda,下同) 常說情場如戰場,不想陣亡當場一定要小心謹慎。據boredpanda報導泰國插畫家Tuna Dunn,以細膩手法刻劃男女間愛情、友情、心碎時刻,看了他所繪畫的男女關係讓人不禁深有同感,想要在情場生存的人必看秘笈寶典。 &I'm just writing a generic article on this app (and also the just-released and heavily discounted ProCamera 7). I've also tested SlowCam on one of my iPad 3's, also running 7.0.2. (Didn't test on my iPad 4 - sorry, don't want to sacrifice jailbreak.) As w...