H M 星光熠熠 閃耀台灣!
smart ebike 國際知名時裝品牌 H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB (H&M)今晚於微風松高旗艦店舉辦盛大的時尚派對,現場眾星 雲集,包括周迅及高聖遠夫妻、歌手楊丞琳和演員林依晨等時尚名人一同蒞臨慶祝。派對中,金曲獎最佳新 人獎得主 Miss Ko 葛仲珊獻上精彩表演,接著更有演員高以翔和時尚名Charged up. And ready to go. The smart ebike is another way of getting around the city easily and stylishly. ... Demonstrating style has never been so easy. With the smart ebike black edition, you’ll not only get through the city easier but also more styl...