心理學上「準到可怕的15張圖片」快來測測看!聽說#8 的圖片會「因心情的好壞」看到不一樣的畫面!
US Machinegun: MAC-10 SMG/OPEN BOLT REPLACEMENT PARTS生活最美妙(wonderful_picture) 這股神秘的力量,能看透你的內心世界!這15張詭異又神秘的圖,驚呆你! ▼定睛注視這幅圖片,風車動了嗎?如果你感到生活壓力很大,風車就會轉得越快。別擔心,好好休息一下吧This is one of the OEM (JAWS) wire stocks for the Mac-10 SMG. It comes complete with push button hardware to replace a missing or damaged wire stock set up for a Mac-10 SMG. Rear frame block included for replacement or Mac-10 build kit. Wire stock has a ....