smss.exe - smss - Process Information - Liutilities - Free Resource Libraries and Tech Articles by I本文由關於愛情(微信號:aboutlove2013)授權轉載 心若沒有棲息的地方,走到哪裡都是流浪 關於愛情,一個感情的棲息地 你不回信息的時候,我以為你在做愛,你回我信息的時候,我覺得你剛跟別人做完愛,這是一條讓人看了想分手的推送,不要怪主頁君。 作者 阿怪 smss.exe is a process which is a part of the Microsoft Windows Operating System. It is called the Session Manager Subsystem and is responsible for handling sessions on your system. This program is important for the stable and secure running of your comput...