SNAP-IV Teacher and Parent Rating Scale (18 items) 我們一輩子忙忙碌碌, 卻從沒有想過我們在忙什麼。 對於藝術家阿馬多爾來說, 他的十年, 比有些人一輩子的時間都要珍貴。 44歲的舊金山藝術家安德烈斯·阿馬多爾從2004年開始從事沙畫創作,每天他都會花數個小時在沙灘上進行創作! The 4-point response is scored 0-3 (Not at All=0, Just A Little=1, Quite a Bit=2, and Very Much=3). Subscale scores on the SNAP-IV are calculated by summing the scores on the items in the specific subset (e.g., Inattention) and dividing by the number of i...