Snapdragon 800 vs. Tegra 4 - Geeknizer (Taranfx) iPhone, Android, Mobile, Technology news 近期最爆炸性的新聞是什麼?網路爆出新聞《癡漢議員上傳少女淫照「對於這位癡漢議員的過分行為真的如他所說對於這位癡漢議員的過分行為真的如他所說「都是為了賺生活費」?」》1986年出生,27歲就當選日本奈良縣葛城市議員,創下該市史上最年輕市議員記錄的吉武昭博,在上個月因為涉嫌上傳17歲未成年女高中生的淫Read more about Nvidia Terga 4 Icera i500 SDR LTE Modem/processor Overall, 800 would beat the overall device pricing and battery life vs. the Tegra 4 offerings. But Tegra 4 would provide more integrated features (like Nvidia shield) and better graphics fo...