Snapdragon 800 processors | Mobile Technology | Qualcomm Snapdragon Processors 也許愛情是一部憂傷的童話惟其遙遠與真實惟其不可觸摸與欠缺方可成就起璀璨與神聖 放棄一個很愛你的人,並不痛苦放棄一個你很愛的人,那才痛苦... 愛上一個不愛你的人,那是更痛苦 若是有緣,時間、空間都不是距離若是無緣,終是相聚也無法會意凡事不必太在意,更不需去強求 就讓一切隨緣吧。The Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor leverages its Asynchronous Multi-Processing (aSMP) design to produce amazing results. Select a task and one the four cores will snap into action. Each core can throttle up and down depending on the task. The result is...