snapdragon 808

Snapdragon 808 processors | Qualcomm Snapdragon Processors | QualcommThe Snapdragon 808 processor is a 64-bit enabled, LTE-equipped chipset for premium mobile computing devices. The Snapdragon 808 processor is anticipated to begin sampling in the second half of 2014 and expected to be available in commercial devices by the...


新 U 支援 5500 萬像素:Snapdragon 810 及 808 64 bit 處理器出爐! - DCFever.com自 iPhone 5S 成為首款運行 64 bit 流動裝置系統開始,流動裝置系統正式踏入新的世代,現在 Android 手機廣泛使用的 Qualcomm 處理器,亦將會進行大換血,近日發表的 Snapdragon 810 and 808 處理器,正是旗下支援 64 bit 操作系統的頂級處理器......


Qualcomm unveils powerful Snapdragon 810 and 808 chipsets, that answer Apple's 64-bit push 男人是骯髒的生物——你只要看看床墊公司 Ergoflex 的調查結果就知道我(原文作者,下同)說的是事實了:根據調查,一個單身男性平均一年只洗4次床單。 但是,在個人衛生習慣面前,其他一切都是浮雲。在公交車上、地鐵、健身房的男性更衣間裡,隨處可見那些噁心的習慣。在提到糟糕的Californian chip giant Qualcomm, whose silicon is in most mobile devices these days, just lifted the veil over its next-generation chipsets - the Snapdragon 808 and Snapdragon 810. The dust has hardly settled on the 801, which is in phones like the Galaxy...


高通新一代Snapdragon處理器具64位元、4K顯示 | iThome1. 誰喜歡對方少一點誰就掌握主動。誰也不願意做那個更喜歡對方的人。 2. 我們都想讓對方認為我們其實沒那麼在乎他,於是就都在玩“故意過好幾天才回短信”的遊戲,其實一點都不好玩。 3. 一個因為對你沒興趣所以表現得完全不在乎的人,和一個對你很有興趣但不想讓你認為他對你很有興趣Snapdragon 810與Snapdragon 808,這兩款處理器鎖定智慧型手機及平板電腦裝置,都是64位元處理器且支援LTE,支援4K顯示及影片。其中Snapdragon 810為高通目前效能最佳的Snapdragon平台。 按讚加入iThome FB粉絲團追蹤...


Qualcomm Prepping Snapdragon 810, 808 Processors男孩兒們可不要取笑身邊的胖女孩, 她們可都是績優股呢....   來源:捧腹網Qualcomm's new Snapdragon chips should appear in devices in the first half of 2015. Qualcomm announced on Monday the Snapdragon 810 and 808 processors for flagship smartphones and tablets. Both are designed with 20 nm process technology and feature Cat 6 ...


Introducing the Snapdragon 810 and 808 Processors: “The Ultimate Connected Computing” Experience" [VFinally, the Snapdragon 810 processor is powered by the first 14-bit camera dual image signal processors (ISP) for smartphones. The dual ISPs together support image capture up to 55 MP or produce an HDR video. You read that right, not just an HDR photo, b...
