女人們一定要學起來 日本老婆靠這五招,讓老公疼進骨子裡 聽說,是男人的都會上癮
SNEmulDS homepage為什麼男人總是對日本女人這麼嚮往呢??原來是有原因的啊...學起來保證妳跟妳老公天天甜蜜蜜~~ pic 1 2 日本女人也曾經對於夫妻感情十分困擾... 有調查表明,日本72.8%的夫婦性冷淡,每月的房事幾乎為0;夫婦雙方出軌或曾經出過軌的比率高達近50%;夫婦每天交流超過2小時的家庭僅為11.4%Need help: translation Hi folks, The new version of SNEmulDS 0.6 comes closer… The new GUI is nearly finished and is being integrated to the main core. I’m waiting for artworks from my friend to complete the GUI design. A new feature of the next release w...