so far

Chad Vader : Day Shift Manager - A Galaxy Not So Far Away : S1 Ep1 - YouTube     本文來自life生活網 她們是表姊妹喔!大家一向都只聽過「愛子」公主, 卻漏了這個美若天仙的「佳子」公主!!  本文來自life生活網 長得清純又可愛!!有著貴族的高貴氣質~~   再來多看幾張佳子公主的美照吧!!  本文來自liCHAD VADER SEASON 3 DVD IS OUT! Take a look: Chad's on Facebook: --Life is hard when you're Darth Vader's less-talented, less-charismatic younger brother and you manage a grocery...


Sony Got Hacked Hard: What We Know and Don't Know So Far | WIRED 國外四名大槌職人,正在進行打樁的工程,透過影片的拍攝,讓大家見識到完美的默契。只見一人拿著一個大槌,準備進行敲打,完美的配合以及默契,讓四個人的槌子輪流落下,完美的團隊合作以及精準的時間掌握,在 Youtube 上創下二十多萬的點閱率,只能說行行出狀元!!   ▼蓄勢待發的四名職人,就連Editors’ note, 2:30 p.m. ET 12/04/14: After further reporting, we have updated the sections “How Did This Hack Occur?” and “Was Data Destroyed or Just Stolen?” with new information about the nature of the attack and malware used in it. Who knew that Sony’...


Charlie Hebdo attack: what we know so far | World news | The Guardian 幸福是什麼?facebook一網友用自己的手繪畫出27件讓人覺得幸福的事情。太棒了~~   via• Twelve people were killed when two masked gunmen opened fire in the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo at 11.30 on Wednesday morning – nine journalists with the magazine, a building maintenance worker and two police officers. Laurent Léger,...


So Far - 影片搜尋 中國古代人才濟濟,百家爭鳴,五千年下來那麼多英雄人物中,誰才是智商最高的那一個?TOP10、兼仕兩朝功勞卓著的謀士——洪承疇洪承疇(1593-1665年),字彥演,號亨九。先仕明於松山之敗後降清,是明末叛臣之一,但也是清朝定鼎中原的重臣。出生於萬曆二十一年(1593年)九月...


The 100 Best Albums of the Decade So Far (2010-2014) | Pitchfork 你試過幾種了?@?@【髮】:思慕【額】:祝福/友情【臉】:憧憬【耳】:誘惑【鼻樑】:愛玩【臉頰】:親愛/滿足感【唇】:愛情【喉】:欲求【胸】:所有【手臂】:戀慕【手腕】:慾望【手背】:敬愛【指尖】:讚賞【大腿】:支配 viaNeither toxicologist nor translator can interpret Young Thug. His vocabulary is a creole of Atlanta trap slang, Hopelandic, and the language of thought—the yeows, yelps, and coos used by babies to communicate. His bloodstream is equal parts Strawberry Jol...
