Kim Hyun Joo + So Ji Sub ( My Dream couple) - YouTube 不管男或女,都很喜歡討論情侶之間的身高差這件事,像是之前 189 公分的錦榮跟 158 公分的蔡依林相差約 31 公分的身影,就曾被網友譽為「最萌身高差」。不過也有許多調查指出,男女之間最佳身高差距大約是 12 公分,兩人無論是擁抱、接吻都是最和諧的身高差度。不過有一位日本插畫家就為了各式各樣身高Photos of Kim Hyun Joo and So Ji Sub together. The two are at the same age, and they started to be a celebrity around the same time. They first starred in KBS Oh happy day together( 1997) since then they have become friends. They had a photoshoot together...