女生不能說的秘密TOP 10,就算知道也要裝傻噢!!
I Waste So Much Time女生啊~是個奇妙有難懂的生物,常讓男生丈二金剛摸不著頭緒,今天老皮就來告訴你們十個女生不能說的秘密,讓我們一虧女孩的真面目吧!! ▼其實根本不會做家事!!(去男友家做做樣子的,在家根本就公主) ▼其實很小氣 ▼是動漫宅(這講出來不丟臉ㄚ) ▼體A collection of funny things we find while wasting time online. ... An entire pride of lions decided to take a kip - 15 feet up a tree. At least 15 of the beasts were caught on camera lounging on the branches of a sturdy tree in Central Serengeti, Tanzani...