so that文法

So that — English Exercises & Practice | Grammar Quizzes有個小姐逛街走入一家店時,店門口有一隻鸚鵡大聲的喊『歡迎光臨』。她覺得很好奇, 想試試看這隻鸚鵡是不是真的這麼聰明,就又走了出去結果這隻鸚鵡真的對她說『謝謝光臨。』她覺得很好玩,於是又走了進去,『歡迎光臨』。又走了出來『謝謝光臨』。她來來回回走了十幾次,鸚鵡也一直說『歡迎光臨』,『謝謝光臨』。於是她TRADITIONAL GRAMMAR LINGUISTIC DESCRIPTION SO—PURPOSE No specific term is given for the so that (purpose) structure. The general term used in Chapter 19 is connective. A clause that can answer a "Why?" question is an adverbial. Why did you bring ......


Learn English Grammar: How to use SO & SO THAT · engVid好兒子! 這個兒子真體貼 ..... 有個住在新澤西州義大利後裔的老先生,想要像往年一樣種蕃茄。但是地很硬,挖起來很困難,往年都幫他的兒子如今又入獄了……… 老先生寫了封信給兒子敘述他的難處……&heAre you SO confused about when to use so or so that? In this grammar lesson, we will look at when and how to use so, so that and so _____ that. After watching the video, test your knowledge by doing the quiz SO THAT you can evaluate how much you ......


So that vs. Such that — English Exercises & Practice | Grammar Quizzes男與女男與女 I男:交往這麼久了,咱們...同居吧!女:我爸媽不會原諒我的。男:如果我們結婚呢?女:我不會原諒我自己的。男與女 II甲女:我上次暗示男朋友說,女人喜歡能長久保存東西。結果第二天我就得到一枚鑽戒, 妳也可以對男朋友如法炮製呀!乙女:這方法我早用過了,結果第二天我收到一包防腐劑。男與女 Contrast so-that and such-that to emphasize quality and characteristics. ... aircraft (N) — any man-made machine that can fly; singular and plural form is aircraft atmosphere (N) — the mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth....


So and Such - Differences in Grammar for ESL Learners嘿咻! 又叫做炒飯的原因 ! !原來「嘿咻」又叫做炒飯的原因是這樣來的丫... 有一次男人要去美國,要半年才會回來。 臨走前,老婆就跟他說:『老公!你出門在外這麼久,有需要的話你可以找人幫你解決!』 他聽了非常感謝老婆如此體貼他,所以也對老婆說: 「親愛的!如This guide to the differences between usage in so and such to provide reasons for doing something for English learners. ... Structures using 'such' and 'so' are similar in meaning, but different in construction. The main difference between the two structu...


English Grammar – SO & NEITHER · engVid那天...在男友家作者:mindy0408前陣子跟家裡的人吵架 鬧翻了男友當兵放假回來終於可以讓我好好向他傾訴那天在他房間裡正幫我做心理諮商男友說 我以後也會當媽媽想像如果我們以後的小孩用這種態度跟你說話你會怎麼樣我邊哭邊說著我不要當媽媽 我不要當媽媽 我不要當媽媽 我不要當媽媽房門是開著的他爸爸這Test your understanding of this English lesson Test your understanding of the English lesson by answering these questions. You will get the answers and your score at the ... Thank you for this Grammar. So I have a proposal if a member of sequential lesson...


20 Common Grammar Mistakes That (Almost) Everyone Makes | LitReactor有一隻狐狸牠看到有一座葡萄園,牠很想進去吃葡萄,不過唯一能進去的路只有一點縫隙而已,牠想:「我這麼胖,要怎麼進去。」於是牠餓了三天三夜終於進去了,牠大吃大喝好快樂,牠要出去時發現牠躦不出去,牠又餓了三天三夜才出來,牠想:「我進去之前餓了三天三夜,出來又餓三天三夜,到底進去幹麻。」bow down to Jon ~ I'm a big grammar geek, and was unaware of the majority of these. The most surprising is "moot". Although I checked it via the online etymology dictionary, and the mistaken usage dates to law students considering hypothetical cases. I st...
