剛生完就要完美亮相 連英國人也開始心疼月子只做7小時的凱特王妃了...
Soaring Drug Prices - The New York Times 剛剛生下小王子7個小時的凱特王妃, 就和以往兩次生喬治和夏洛特一樣, 抱着小寶寶,容光煥發地走出醫院,和媒體和民眾們見面。 這次的她,穿着一襲紅裙,踩着細高跟鞋, 披着柔順的頭髮,化着精緻的妝容, 面帶微笑,又美又優雅地和公眾打招呼。 看起來,比旁邊的威廉王子,似乎還有精神一些...Re “Runaway Drug Prices” (editorial, May 5): You are right to be alarmed by the skyrocketing costs of certain therapies. The blunt instrument of government price negotiations called for in the editorial, however, may be neither necessary nor wise. Regulat...