Brad's Thoughts on the Social Graph - Brad Fitzpatrick [bradfitz.com]話說,印度是一個目前為止還深受傳統觀念習俗影響的國家。 就婚姻觀念來說,雖然現在印度法律是規定了一夫一妻法律登記制度, 但是在很多偏遠地區,人們還是更適應傳統的婚俗規矩。 結婚離婚時,更在乎的是傳統儀式和鄉里鄉親的認可, 而不是登記一張法律上有用的結婚證明。 所以,在這樣Translations: [Беларускі] I've been thinking a lot about the social graph for awhile now: aggregating the graph, decentralization, social network portability, etc. If you've seen me at any conference recently, I probably talked your ear off about it. I've...