Brad's Thoughts on the Social Graph - Brad Fitzpatrick [bradfitz.com]姓潘不姓番............. 一戶潘姓人家,長輩過世。 家祭時,請來了一位鄉音很重的老先生來當司儀。 訃聞是這麼寫的: 孝 男:潘根科 孝 媳:池氏 孝孫女:潘良慈 孝 孫:潘道時 但這位老先生老眼昏花又Translations: [Беларускі] I've been thinking a lot about the social graph for awhile now: aggregating the graph, decentralization, social network portability, etc. If you've seen me at any conference recently, I probably talked your ear off about it. I've...