Socket 775 / Socket LGA775 / Socket T - CPU-World: Microprocessor news, benchmarks, information and 接吻真的是門技術活 活好不好,有時候真的能決定兩個人的感情 (我說的是接吻的「活」,不是你想的那個「活」) 比如有些女孩子對papapa並不感冒 但是對吻技的要求很高 不閉眼睛、手亂摸、亂吐口水… 接吻究竟應該怎麼操作 周周給大家簡單講解一下~  Socket 775, also called Socket T or LGA775, is a Land Grid Array (LGA) socket used for the most recent generations of desktop Intel microprocessors starting from Pentium 4 and up to Core 2 Quad / Core 2 Extreme families. The socket LGA775 supports Intel C...