不會解讀性號 小心家事作不足喔
SMTP Mail Server - Socket Error # 11004 有一天,一個男人喝完酒,醉醺醺回家,他看見老婆貼張紙條在冰箱上:“豆腐在冰箱,豆干在桌上,我在床上……”那男人沒領會“我在床上”的深刻含義,結果在下面續寫一句“我在外面吃過了”就潦草地睡覺去,根本不Socket error (#11004): Valid name, no data of requested type. Analyse & Solutions: The requested name is valid and was found in the database, but it does not have the correct associated data being resolved for. The usual example for this is a host name-to...