EPIC Presents: "VANZ X REMIX" Arts and Video
Sofa & Lounge - Office Designs - Herman Miller Aeron Chair, Steelcase Leap Cha 由EPIC呈現,插畫藝術家Vanz與台灣街頭服飾品牌Remix合作企劃, 繼艾偉倫Allen與簡婕Cleo所共同拍攝詮釋的完整形象與聯名單品露出後, 緊接著Vanz運用全新插畫表現與細膩的手繪造工,揉合色彩配置, 注入雙方以非黑即白將天使與惡魔之概念主軸,從藝術視角傳遞出品牌間 信守的精神理念。 Meet and relax with sofas and lounges from Office Designs Brainstorm sessions, reception areas or happy hour: the dynamics of an office aren’t always about work. Sofas and lounges cater to a more relaxed environment, and at Office Designs, we carry both f...