Small office/home office - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia流行順口溜之男人篇1. 今昔過去是:黑米飯,南瓜湯,老婆一個,孩子一幫;如今是:白米飯,王八湯,孩子一個,老婆一幫。2. 男人四大希望家裏有個做飯的,辦公室有個好看的,身邊有個犯賤的,遠方有個想念的。3. 天下哥們四鐵一鐵是一起同過窗,二鐵是一起扛過槍,三鐵是一起嫖過娼,四鐵是一起分過贓。5. 男人Small office/home office (or single office/home office; SOHO) refers to the category of business or cottage industry that involves from 1 to 10 workers. Before the 19th century, and the spread of the industrial revolution around the globe, nearly all offi...